Skin Tightening

Ultraformer III Skin Tightening

Ultraformer III is the premium multi-functional ultrasound device, offering both face and neck tightening and body contouring in one system.

ULTRAFORMER is the World’s No. 1 System for ultrasound lifting, tightening and contouring.  Now with 7 interchangeable cartridges that offer your patients another dimension in non-surgical face and body treatments.

ULTRAFORMER is widely used with over 1 million treatments performed worldwide. It has become the treatment of choice for patients who are not yet indicated or not willing to undergo surgery. This fills a huge gap in the market, and captures an audience of people from 30 years of age all the way to 80.

Ultraformer III is the premium multi-functional ultrasound device, offering both face and neck tightening and body contouring in one system.

  • Application for Face and Body
  • Non Invasive Procedure Saftey
  • Effective and Painless Treatment
  • Multi-functional and Multi-depth Catridges
  • Micro and Macro Focused Technology
  • Faster and Precise Shot Applications Transducers
  • High Peak Power Dual Engine

Necks, eyelids, chins, jawlines, brows and areas of the body that are wrinkling or sagging, such as armpits, stomachs, thighs, will lift under the ultrasound technology of the Ultraformer. And the bonus is that it can be performed over 30 minutes in a lunchtime break with no down-time, minimal side-effects and is almost completely pain free.

The Ultraformer uses advanced patented elliptic transducers to deliver fast and consistent energy throughout treatments, improving patient satisfaction on both comfort and results. Ultraformer is a complete package that allows your patient to notice improvements even after the first treatment, and saving them the significant downtime associated with surgery.

Another feature that makes the Ultraformer III stand out is that it is calibrated to target multiple skin layers when used in the body mode to elicit the same lifting and tightening effect as on the face.

The Macro-Focused Ultrasound energy delivers high peak power consistently and is designed to lay wider thermal coagulation zones when used in body mode. This technology allows you to offer significant improvement in body contours on target areas without surgery and its risks.


Ultraformer works for face lifting, skin tightening, winkles, pores, V-line forming, jowl line, cheek, skin tone improvement, and overall laxity improvement.


Whole Body contouring such as décolletage, arm, abdomen, flank, thigh, axilla, lower leg, ankle and back.

ULTRAFORMER is the World’s Only Micro and Macro-Focused Ultrasound System. Multi-functional cartridges delivering focused ultrasound energy at various depths – 1.5mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4.5mm, 6mm, 9mm and 13mm allows treatment on both face and body areas with optimal speed, comfort and efficacy for collagen stimulation, dermal micro-coagulation, and subcutaneous fat micro-reduction.

High-peak power means ultrasound energy is delivered effectively into the target area without heat diffusion to surrounding tissue. This produces the best clinical results, faster treatment times and increased comfort during treatment.

Coagulative temperatures of 60-70° contracts and activates the skin’s immune healing process, making way for collagen regeneration and remodelling for that lifted, tighter look that everyone is raving about.

  • Non invasive skin lifting and tightening to treat the signs of ageing
  • Preparing for a special event using the ‘Hollywood Lift’ technique
  • Firming hard-to-reach targeted areas such as the jowls, eyes, neck, chest, arms or tummy

The Ultraformer is the next evolution in aesthetic science. It is a revolutionary skin tightening technology with no patient downtime, using the power of ultrasound (also known as Ultherapy or HIFU High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) to lift not just the skin but also the deep muscle layer underneath.

The Ultraformer uses deep dermal micro-heating and contraction for a multi-layered lifting, tightening and rejuvenation effect. It promotes maximum collagen production meaning plumper, smoother more youthful skin.


High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) transducers deliver concentrated waves of ultrasound into multiple layers of skin and body tissues without making direct contact with surrounding areas or damaging the surface. Transferring stabilized temperatures of 65-75°C into the targeted zones, the Ultraformer induces a process of neocollagenesis.

Collagen renewal in the face triggered by HIFU involves heating the dermal and superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) layers that undergo separate phases of blood coagulation, wound contractions, and tighter shelving of new collagen to resolve the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

  • Designed for all ages, offering three differing energy levels, which target the skin at three different depths. This allows for for customised treatments for every client and their needs.
  • The Ultraformer is non-invasive, non-surgical and carries minimal downtime.
  • Can be performed all over the face or as a spot treatment for hard-to-reach targeted areas such as eyes, neck and body.
  • Produces excellent results for face lifting, skin tightening, wrinkle and pore reduction, skin tone improvement and contouring of the jowl and cheek lines.
  • Provides a new, youthful support structure for your skin.
  • As the body goes through it’s collagen regeneration process, results continue to build over a period of three to six months.

Ultraformer does not affect the outer layers of the skin, so there are minimal side effects or risks. However, due to the different levels of Ultraformer treatment available, side effects may vary. You may experience some mild swelling, tenderness or redness after your Ultraformer procedure, which will subside within 48 hours. Rest assured our registered nurses will advise what you can expect in your pre-treatment consultation.

Ultraformer is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to the ultrasound technology used.


Ultraformer has three differing levels, which target to three different depths of the skin. After an initial consultation the best suiting treatment level will be prescribed to you. Therefore, the recommended series of Ultraformer treatments vary from each client and each treatment level.


Your appointment will start with a consultation with one of our registered nurses to ensure the Ultraformer treatment will fulfill your goals.

The procedure starts with a thorough cleanse of the face followed by the application of a treatment grid (full face treatment only). As the Ultraformer device is applied to the skin, warm pulses of ultrasound energy are delivered, causing the deep muscle layer to contract. At the same time, the gentle heat also encourages the healthy, natural process of rejuvenation, stimulating your skin to produce its own fresh new collagen, making skin firmer, brighter, tighter and more elastic.

A full face treatment takes 60 minutes.


As the device touches your skin, you will feel a brief moment of vibration and pin prick heating. What you are feeling during the treatment is actually tiny amounts of concentrated ultrasound energy being deposited below the surface of the skin. Clients have noted some discomfort while the energy is being delivered, but it is temporary and a positive signal that the collagen-building process has been initiated. We rate the pain 4/10, which can be easily managed with over the counter pain relief we recommend you taking 1-2 hours prior your treatment.


Immediate tightening of skin in treated areas, as heat for the micro-focused ultrasound contracts the network of collagen fibers. This will continue to improve over time resulting in rejuvenation of the skin as the support structure is filled out.


There are no special requirements for Ultraformer. You can apply makeup, exercise and bathe as usual after your treatment.

We always recommend the use of sunscreen to prevent sun damage to the skin. Sunscreen with SPF 30 or above should be used daily. If you are under the sun for prolonged periods of time, sunscreen needs to be reapplied at least once every two hours.


Whilst we have seen amazing results from Ultrafromer, please know that results do vary and we cannot make guarantees. We recommend coming and speaking to our Award winning therapists for an in-depth consultation. They will discuss in detail how Ultraformer works, whether it will be right for your skin type and the expected results in line with your skin goals.
